Wisdom of the north

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Road Trip #8
This one was a very short one, just up the road. We were called for grand parent duty, an over night’er in Ashland. The drive up this time was much more pleasant than the last November’s trip in an early season white out. Young Miss Claire, 7 weeks and counting, needed TLC while her parents went to a friend’s wedding.

From our last visit to see Miss Claire several weeks ago, she has grown an extra foot, not literally. It least that was my perception of her and speaking of seeing things… it’s amazing how one person can see a thing or event and another person standing (or sitting) along side sees absolutely zip, or a zebra when it was a hippo. Case in point…

We left Ashland early the next AM heading east on US 2 which is heavily wooded and offers some really neat views of Lake Superior. There wasn’t much traffic heaing east. Rosebud and I were quietly thinking about the perfect day we had just spent… bingo, when up head a large black bear was lumbering across the highway. And I don’t mean cutting wood.

It was big and could have left a lasting impression on the front of our car… I told Rosebud in a rather very loud voice "LOOK!!!!!!" And once again she missed the whole show. I guess my training as a Professional Driver has raised my attention span and view range well above the average mortal human being. Of course there are other minor flaws that I carry however, time and space are limited. Again the Mrs. missed the show but catches the little stuff like beer on my breath?


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